
Register or Login

 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here. 
Register with us to receive the Monday Memo newsletter and access the directory! 
As of 9/14/2021, the directory is up to date for 2021-2022. 
If you shared your email address with the Fiske PTO, you only need to reset your password.
Families who opted to share email addresses with the Fiske PTO are included in the directory and receive the newsletter.
The opt-in option was found when you entered your contact information
via the Wellesley Public Schools (WPS) Power School Parent Portal back in August.
If you opted in, our directory will recognize you as a member of the Fiske community,
and you will have access to the directory of other families who opted in.
If you did not opt-in, you can register a new account and add your data.
You may choose how much data to include, but an email address, student name, and student grade are required. 
Your attendance at Fiske will be confirmed, then you will be able to see the directory.
This takes a school day or two. 

Only Fiske Families registered with our Membership Toolkit account can access the Fiske family directory.  
All Fiske Families are automatically PTO members, and this account is free to set up.
directory questions? email ceidachan@gmail.com

We are not currently using this website for volunteer sign up. Please check our Monday Memo newsletter for volunteering opportunities. 

Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App.